
Neck Lift & Liposuction

portrait of a woman

Neck Contouring

A graceful, defined neckline is the foundation of a youthful, attractive face. An expertly performed neck contouring procedure can address excess fat or sagging skin to restore a smooth, beautiful neck and jawline.



Richmond Neck Lift Surgery

Scarves and turtlenecks have their place in fashion, but if you wear them almost every day to downplay a full neck or hide a sagging “turkey waddle,” then it may be time to consider a more lasting solution: neck contouring surgery.

By reducing excess fat beneath the chin, removing excess, sagging skin, or tightening loose neck muscles—the procedure is tailored to your needs—neck contouring with Dr. Chen can help restore a smoother, more graceful neckline that you’ll want to show off.

How neck contouring can help

The delicate tissues of the neck are among the first to show signs of aging. Skin loses elasticity and begins to wrinkle and sag beneath the chin, and underlying connective tissue and muscle can lose tone, resulting in a loose, shapeless neck appearance. An inherited tendency to store fat beneath the chin can detract from facial harmony, causing the jawline to lack definition and giving the impression that an individual is older or heavier than they actually are.

Neck contouring can correct any of the above issues by removing excess or sagging tissues and reshaping the area under the chin. For the right patient, neck contouring is a great option to:

  • Take years off your facial appearance
  • Help you look as though you have lost weight
  • Help you feel more confident wearing “statement” necklaces or clothing that reveals the neck

woman smiling

Before & After Patient Gallery


Neck contouring options in Richmond

Dr. Chen is experienced in a broad range of techniques to restore a youthful appearance to the lower face and neck. Which procedure is right for you depends on your goals and the nature of your concerns: are you bothered by excess, sagging skin or excess fat?

Neck lift surgery

A neck lift addresses stretched, sagging skin and loose neck muscles. For instance, if you want to get rid of a “turkey waddle,” a neck lift can help you do so.

Since many patients who are bothered by an aging neck also want to correct jowling and sagging in the mid to lower face, a neck lift is commonly included as part of a facelift. However, if you are only bothered by sagging neck tissues, Dr. Chen can perform a neck lift alone.

A neck lift involves a small incision underneath the chin. In more extensive cases, incisions are also made behind the ears. Dr. Chen lifts and tightens underlying neck tissues and then removes excess skin, restoring a smooth, naturally youthful neckline.

Recovery after a neck lift requires about 1 week of downtime, with only light activity such as walking, allowed. Patients typically return to work within 2 weeks, after bruising and swelling have subsided, although feelings of tightness and numbness may linger for several months. Results look great after a few weeks, and are close to final after 3 months or so.

Neck liposuction

If you have good skin contraction, and are primarily bothered by submental fullness or a “double chin,” then liposuction may be all you need to get a more slender, graceful neckline. With liposuction, Dr. Chen can remove excess fat deposits and sculpt a more aesthetically pleasing contour to the neck and chin.

Neck liposuction can often be performed using only local anesthesia with sedation or regional anesthesia. Through a tiny incision located under the chin, Dr. Chen uses a very thin cannula to break up and remove the selected fat cells. Following surgery, you will be able to go home to recover, and you should be able to return to most normal activities within 4 to 5 days. Swelling and bruising are typical for the first week, and quickly but gradually subside thereafter.

If you’re ready to improve the appearance of your neck, the best way to figure out the right solution for you is to meet with an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. Dr. Chen offers informative, helpful consultations in a relaxed setting at both of his offices in Richmond and Midlothian, Virginia.

Contact us today to schedule your personal consultation.