
Mommy Makeover

Aesthetics Plastic Surgery located in Richmond and Sommerville Court, Midlothian, VA
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Mommy Makeover services offered in Richmond and Sommerville Court, Midlothian, VA

Motherhood is an extraordinary experience, but that doesn’t mean you have to love its effects on your body. You may have tried dieting and different exercises to restore your pre-pregnancy frame, but some changes to the body seem like they just can’t be reversed. A mommy makeover offered at the offices of Stephen M. Chen, MD, in Midlothian and Richmond, Virginia, combines several plastic surgery procedures to help you get your body back. Call today or schedule an appointment online to find out which mommy makeover procedures are right for you.

Mommy Makeover Q & A

What is a mommy makeover?


During a mommy makeover, Dr. Chen combines several procedures, like a tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast surgery, to restore your body to a pre-baby state. 

When you come to the office for a consultation, you discuss your body concerns, and Dr. Chen customizes your mommy makeover to your needs. You can get as much help as needed in refining your physique so you feel confident and beautiful.

Am I a good candidate for a mommy makeover?

Dr. Chen performs a comprehensive physical exam to determine if you’re a good candidate for a mommy makeover. He’ll consider your overall health and how far postpartum you are. 

Women who have the following concerns benefit from a mommy makeover:

  • Flat or droopy breasts
  • Flabby skin
  • Stubborn pockets of fat in your thighs and abdomen
  • Skin irregularities
  • Flat backside

However, it’s important to hold off on having a mommy makeover until your family is complete. If you get pregnant after the procedures, you’ll affect the long-term benefits of the makeover.

What procedures are part of the mommy makeover?

Dr. Chen combines any cosmetic procedure to get you the look you want. Commonly included in a mommy makeover are:

Breast surgery

Your breasts’ shape, position, and size change after pregnancy and nursing. You may benefit from a lift to restore lost elasticity and perkiness. Many women combine a lift with breast augmentation to boost cup size and breast roundness. 

Tummy tuck

Pregnancy affects your abdominal skin and muscles. These tissues stretch and separate, leaving you with a pooch even though you’ve returned to your pre-pregnancy weight. A tummy tuck removes excess skin and stubborn fat. Dr. Chen also tightens and reattaches separated abdominal muscles to achieve a more taut midsection.


Once you’ve lost weight after pregnancy, you may find you have pockets of fat that just won’t reduce no matter how much you diet and try to exercise. Liposuction can address these fat pockets. 

Brazilian butt lift

If weight loss and pregnancy have left you with a flat backside, a Brazilian butt lift gives you a round, enviable booty to accentuate all your curves.

If you’re ready for your mommy makeover, call one of the offices of Stephen M. Chen, MD, or schedule an appointment online today.